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Apa Kata Relawan Kami

Josh and Stacia - We spent 10 wonderful days at Headrocks!

We’re Josh and Stacia from Australia, and we had the pleasure of volunteering at Headrock Dog Rescue over the New Year period (2024/25). We spent 10 wonderful days in Bang Saphan, where we had the privilege of working alongside Verity, Tep, the team, and, of course, the amazing dogs!

Josh & Stacia.jpg

When we first arrived, we were welcomed by the sound of many barking dogs. It was a little overwhelming at first, but after letting Verity know we had arrived, she came over quickly and reassured us, encouraging us to sit down, move slowly, and give the dogs time to adjust to the new people in their space. Most of the dogs at headrocks are able to move freely around the yard. Others (like the very old or disabled dogs) are kept in separate fenced spaces and are let out at specific times with supervision.  


For the first few hours on our first day, we just sat, petted the dogs, and allowed them to sniff us. Daeng, Sirranee, Tik and Tok were some of first to greet us, eager for some pats. 


Others are a little more cautious and will take a few hours or even a few days before they will let you approach them. None of the dogs are aggressive, but some do prefer their personal space. We would recommend approaching each dog slowly with an outstretched hand, allow them to have a little sniff, and gauge how they react.


Over the next few days, we got into a routine and learned a variety of daily tasks. Here are some tasks we assisted with in the mornings:

  • Shaking out the dog beds and airing them in the sun

  • Sweeping the benches (the soft brooms are hooked under the roof)

  • Sweeping the floors, particularly near the trees and entrance area

  • Cleaning the big black sleeping tubs

  • Removing dog jackets

  • Petting and brushing the dogs (brushes are kept under the roof shelf)

  • Refilling and cleaning the dogs' water bowls

  • Pooper scooping (anytime during the day)


Lunch was usually around 12pm. We typically either brought lunch from 7eleven and ate by the beach or rode into town to grab a bite. In the afternoons, we returned around 1pm and helped with tasks such as:

  • Walking the disabled dogs their wheelchairs

  • Washing the disabled dogs

  • Putting jackets on the dogs

  • Sweeping the benches again (soft brooms under the roof)

  • Laying out the dog beds along the benches


After a few days, we got to assist with more specialised tasks, including:

  • Cleaning eyes and administering eye drops to specific dogs

  • Helping with feeding in the mornings and afternoons (it’s great to observe the regular volunteers and staff first to see how they manage these situations). Many of the dogs are quite tense during mealtime so it’s best to move slowly and try to support the shier dogs from having their food stolen.

  • Getting some of the dogs back into their kennels

  • Providing light wound care

  • Manual tasks like digging trenches, clearing the roofs, or repairing/building things (usually with guidance)


Verity and Tep are very open to suggestions and truly appreciate any skills you may have to offer—whether they’re medical (like Stacia, a nurse), photography/video skills (like Josh, a graphic designer), or any hands-on help. The regular volunteers and workers are always happy to lend a hand and enjoy getting to know the new volunteers. They really appreciate any help we can offer, whether it's with tasks or simply spending time loving and playing with the dogs!


Our time at Headrock was an incredibly memorable experience, and we learned so much about the dogs, their behaviours, and the importance of giving them a second chance. The work they do gives these dogs a chance at a better life.


We’re sure your time at Headrock will be just as fulfilling and rewarding as ours was. Best of luck, and we hope you have a wonderful experience!

Verity and Tep are very open to suggestions and truly appreciate any skills you may have to offer—whether they’re medical (like Stacia, a nurse), photography/video skills (like Josh, a graphic designer), or any hands-on help. The regular volunteers and workers are always happy to lend a hand and enjoy getting to know the new volunteers. They really appreciate any help we can offer, whether it's with tasks or simply spending time loving and playing with the dogs!


Our time at Headrock was an incredibly memorable experience, and we learned so much about the dogs, their behaviours, and the importance of giving them a second chance. The work they do gives these dogs a chance at a better life.


We’re sure your time at Headrock will be just as fulfilling and rewarding as ours was. Best of luck, and we hope you have a wonderful experience!

Kim - This was a great experience!

I miss all the dogs already!

This was a great experience! Being a dog lover and being able to help out with the daily tasks and get to know all the different dogs was amazing.

There were about 70 dogs and I was able to help with cleaning their beds, helping getting meals ready, washing up, sweeping, cuddling and hanging out with all the dogs and puppies.

I really enjoyed getting to know and help the 2 local Thai ladies that work there everyday and the 2 long term volunteers too. I can’t recommend this enough.

Kim plus Somkit
Kim with Holly
Kim saying hello
Kim sitting with dogs

Thank you Verity, Thep and Paik too for my morning rides!

Charlotte - Volunteering at Headrocks was a big highlight !

Headrocks was my very first experience as a volunteer and I couldn’t have asked for a better one. The owners, the staff and the other volunteers were really helpful when it came to explain what to do and when.Everything is made for you to adapt at your’s and the dog’s pace.The first few days you mainly get to know the dogs and the more it goes, the more you contribute to the daily routine.

Charlotte (2)_edited.jpg
Kissy kissy_edited.jpg

Volunteering at Headrocks was a big highlight !
If you read this and you hesitate… don’t !
I can assure this is an experience everyone will be delighted to make !

Georgia & James' Two Amazing Weeks

We had an amazing two weeks volunteering at Headrock. From the moment we arrived, it was evident how deeply the staff care for each dog and how well looked after they are. Their unique personalities shined through and we were greeted with lots of licks and cuddles, despite their difficult pasts. One of the loveliest things we experienced was seeing how affectionate the dogs are once you've earned their trust. It made our time there truly special and we did not want to leave!

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Georgia with Diamond.jpg
James being licked.jpg

We also learned so much about how to care for paraplegic dogs and other animals with special needs, and it was inspiring to see the innovative ways the team helps these dogs live full and happy lives. Verity and Thep have created such a wonderful space to help the dogs flourish. We are so happy we got to be a part of it! 

James - I Was So Honoured

Headrock Dog Rescue was the first place I have volunteered like this and I loved the experience and I was so honoured to be able to help the team and get to know the dogs. 


The communication was really clear before hand and when I arrived I was well looked after by Verity and Franz who were helping me to get to know the dogs. 


My favourite part of the day was sitting with the dogs and having little interactions with each of beautiful dogs, coming up to me for scratches, cuddles, licks and love. Also spending time with dogs like Bobo who is unable to use his back legs and seeing the joy in his eyes from him getting some attention.  Also Holly, who is just beautiful! 


Thank you to the full team, its been an experience I will never forget! 

Naomi - What an Experience!

What a delightful surprise! Ben, one of our former volunteers, has come back to the healing center this week with his friend Naomi to lend a hand.

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Naomi Varita.jpeg
Ben and Naomi.jpeg
Lilah Gem adopted 2.jpeg
Lilah and Gem adopted 8.jpeg
Ben Naomi help with temple pups 4.jpeg

Wow, what an experience! I volunteered at Headrock Dogs Rescue for a week with my friend Ben and loved every minute of it! Such a pleasure getting to know the dogs and helping the friendly team with daily tasks. I helped with cleaning, feeding and cuddling. The highlight for me was going with puppies to drop them at their new adoption home, this was such a beautiful moment to be a part of. I can’t thank Verity and Thep enough, they were so kind and welcoming and do amazing work!

Krista - I Had an Amazing Time!

When an angel donates $4200 she raised to help us from across the world and then flies to volunteer with us, there are no words to express our immense gratitude and overwhelming thanks.

THANK YOU is so inadequate but it's engraved in our hearts.

Krista with lots of dogs in healing cent
Krista and Thep with Cheque.jpg
Krista's first day_edited_edited.jpg
Krista and Somkit.jpg

I had an amazing time volunteering with Headrock Dog Rescue. I helped with some daily chores such as feeding and cleaning the kennels but the best part was getting to hand with 65 + dogs everyday! I really enjoyed helping the paraplegic dogs with their physical therapy! Would highly recommend volunteering here! 

Sybille - What a Great Experience 

I have spent six weeks at Headrock's Dog Rescue. The dogs are so nice and it's fun to see their different personalities and their different strategies to get stroked.

Sybil saying hello to Myla, one of our paraplegic dogs
Sybille with Verity's pet dogs
Dogs love Sybill
Sybille, Malee and Myla having a playful time

In my first days here I mainly helped to clean the areas, brush the dogs, wash the bowls, feed the dogs,.... Then I started to take more care of some of the dogs that needed special help, such as the paraplegic dogs. My background is in occupational therapy and it was my desire and pleasure to treat these dogs with their little hairy legs. My greatest joy was to see Nong Malee starting to walk after a few weeks of therapy. That has made me so happy! Sometimes it seemed as if she was proudly showing me what she had already learnt.

Thank you for this great experience!

Nau and Laia - The dogs warmed our hearts 

Nau - Volunteering in Headrock was just the best happy and fun experience. The dogs in the shelter are so so lovely that I fell madly in love to most. And the people is so nice a helpful. Recommend!

Nau and Laia a the centre saying hello
Dogs at the shelter introducing themselves
fixing the fence
Every hand helps!

Laia - I loved every day we spent at Headrock. Seeing the dogs each morning coming to say hello to you, and spending your time making their lifes better, it warms your heart. The shelter is a beautiful open space area where dogs have a good life. The staff and the owners have been really welcoming and they are doing an amazing job. You can help with many different tasks: grooming the dogs, shampooing them, cleaning cages and bowls, or some handyman tasks if you want. We just left and we are already missing all the dogs and people there. I hope we can meet again

Ben Mangnall – Saya menyukai waktu saya di pusat penyembuhan (2023)

Ben overwelmed
Ben with puppies

Saya benar-benar menyukai waktu saya menjadi sukarelawan di anjing Headrock, Anda dapat melihat betapa banyak cinta dan perhatian yang diterima semua anjing dan orang-orangnya sangat ramah, sangat menyukainya Saya telah merencanakan perjalanan kembali dalam beberapa bulan, Anda tidak akan pernah ingin pergi!  

Dari Ben Mangnall

Relawan pertama kami sejak pra-Covid...

Sandra dan Lynn - mengajukan diri selama lima bulan

Sandra dan Lynn menjadi sukarelawan bersama kami selama hampir 5 bulan. Mereka sangat membantu dengan berbagai masalah kesehatan anjing.

Mereka berdua menghabiskan banyak waktu dan keahlian membuat video karya mereka dengan anjing kami.

Sandra adalah pelatih anjing yang berkualitas. Pengalamannya dalam karakter anjing dimanfaatkan dengan baik oleh beberapa anak laki-laki nakal kami!

Volunteer petting a rescue dog
two volunteers at the healing centre

Pengalaman Headrock Marjorie & Hugo

Kami mengalami minggu yang luar biasa dengan semua tim di penampungan. tim sangat baik kepada anjing-anjing itu. Kami telah belajar banyak selama minggu ini dan kami berharap memiliki kesempatan untuk kembali suatu hari nanti.

white dog laying down
Majorie hugging a black and white spotted dog
Hugo stroking a black and white dog

Terima kasih atas kebaikan kalian semua! Aku sudah merindukan anjing-anjing itu. Saya ingin mengambil semua anjing di apartemen saya di Paris tetapi 22 msq tampaknya agak kecil ... terima kasih terima kasih terima kasih. Marjorie dan Hugo

2 girls holding up headrock T-shirts

Mari dan April: Pengalaman sukarela kami

Penyelamatan Anjing Headrock adalah tempat yang benar-benar menakjubkan! Anjing-anjing itu dirawat dengan sangat baik dan dicintai. Setiap orang yang kami temui di sini berdedikasi untuk kesejahteraan semua anjing. Verity dan Thep melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa membantu jiwa-jiwa yang dilecehkan dan diabaikan ini. Anjing-anjing itu sangat penyayang dan puas dan setiap kebutuhan mereka terpenuhi sebanyak mungkin jika dana memungkinkan. Jika Anda dapat pergi dan menjadi sukarelawan, saya akan merekomendasikan 100% ini dan jika tidak, mohon pertimbangkan untuk menyumbang untuk membantu biaya makan dan perawatan hewan yang sangat besar.



Saya sangat merindukan anjing-anjing itu, tetapi saya dapat kembali ke rumah dengan mengetahui bahwa mereka berada di tangan yang terbaik. Terima kasih, Verity, karena mengizinkan kami menjadi bagian dari Penyelamatan Anda dan juga, terima kasih banyak kepada Franz dan Franzisca karena telah mengajari kami seluk-beluknya dan menjawab pertanyaan kami yang tak ada habisnya! Tolong beri semua anjing ciuman besar dari April dan saya sendiri. Melihat Anda semua lagi segera saya harap.

Brooke: Waktu sukarela saya


Selamat Pagi Doris

Saya merasa senang menjadi sukarelawan di Headrock Dogs Rescue pada April 2019. Itu benar-benar pengalaman yang bermanfaat dan sangat menyenangkan. Saya senang disambut oleh semua wajah bahagia dan ekor yang bergoyang setiap pagi dan saya merasa saya benar-benar berkontribusi untuk membuat hidup mereka lebih baik. Tidak hanya anjing Headrock tempat yang luar biasa untuk menjadi sukarelawan tetapi Bangsaphan adalah sepotong surga yang jauh dari keramaian dan kawanan turis yang Anda lihat di tempat lain di Thailand. Saya tidak bisa merekomendasikan anjing Headrock cukup. Jika Anda berpikir untuk menjadi sukarelawan, lakukanlah!

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          _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_           _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_   loving old dog        _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_         _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_       _cc781905-4cde-bb-3b195

volunteer being licked by Doris one of our resident dogs.

Doris is such a gorgeous old loveing dog

One of our volunteers Brooke, is crouching down stroking Peanut, one of our paraplegic dogs.
Brooke (one of our volunteers) is crouching petting Doris, one of our resident dogs

Kacang adalah anjing kecil yang manis dan bahagia

Terima kasih banyak telah menerima kami. Waktu kami berjalan terlalu cepat. Saya harap Doris mendapatkan semua pelukan yang pantas dia dapatkan dari para sukarelawan! Saya memikirkannya setiap hari.

Poppy dan Matilda: Tempat yang Menakjubkan

Tempat yang sangat menakjubkan! Anjing-anjing itu sangat bahagia dan dirawat dengan sangat baik. Kami menghabiskan 10 hari menjadi sukarelawan di sini dan sangat merekomendasikannya. Verity dan Thep melakukan pekerjaan luar biasa untuk merawat anjing-anjing itu, seperti halnya sukarelawan lama Franz dan Francesca, dan staf Thailand Lin dan Lek sangat hebat! Akan sangat merekomendasikan datang ke sini, anjing-anjing cantik dan orang-orang cantik.
























         Can't wait to come kembali lagi!

Poppy and Tilda with the puppies
Poppy and Tilda petting 2 black dogs
Tilda and Poppy petting the dogs
Tilda and Poppy sitting with the rescue dogs

Annette: Waktu saya yang luar biasa di Headrockdogs


Sayangnya, Facebook telah berubah dari ulasan menjadi rekomendasi - jika mereka masih memiliki ulasan, saya pasti akan memberikan Headrock Dogs Rescue 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️!!!

Saya menjadi sukarelawan di Headrock Dogs Rescue selama 2 minggu - itu adalah pengalaman yang sangat berharga dan saya suka setiap menitnya. Saya belajar banyak selama berada di sana dan juga melihat tim Penyelamatan Anjing Headrocks yang luar biasa beraksi: Verity, Thep, Lin, Lek, Pituk, Bu & Francois sangat berdedikasi pada anjing-anjing ini dan sangat mencintai mereka semua ( terbukti ketika mereka tiba di pagi hari dengan mengibas-ngibaskan ekor secara massal dan menuntut garukan kepala!).

Annette sitting
Some of our volunteers
Annette crouching in the garden with some of the dogs

Anjing-anjing di Headrock Dogs Rescue adalah beberapa anjing paling bahagia di Thailand - mereka memiliki area yang sangat luas untuk dijelajahi, dijelajahi, dan dimainkan, dan yang paling penting, bebas kandang yang berfungsi sangat baik di tempat perlindungan ini. Ada kalanya begitu sepi, Anda bisa mendengar pin drop! Saya senang mengenal semua anjing dan kepribadian mereka yang berbeda dan akan sangat merindukan mereka!

Eléa Oganessova - Waktu Kita Di Penyelamatan Anjing Headrock

Headrock Dogs Rescue adalah tempat yang bagus untuk menjalin ikatan dengan anjing. Seluruh tim sangat peduli dan hadir setiap hari. Setidaknya ada 60 anjing yang bisa Anda ajak bersosialisasi dan semuanya menyenangkan.

Saya pergi ke sana dengan tiga teman untuk magang sekolah karena kami ingin terhubung dan sangat membantu hewan. Meskipun mereka sudah memiliki tim yang efisien, kami berkesempatan untuk membantu merawat mereka: membersihkan lapangan, memandikan anjing, memberikan perawatan kulit bagi mereka yang membutuhkannya...

Julitette with Humpty

Sangat Lembut!!

Volunteers bathing a dog

Saatnya mandi dan pijat!!

French volunteer hugging black dog


Kami mengagumi komitmen dan waktu para sukarelawan tetap lainnya seperti Françoise dan Lin yang didedikasikan untuk anjing-anjing itu: mereka ada di sini sepanjang tahun dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk merawat mereka. Mereka juga membimbing kami jika kami membutuhkan sesuatu serta Verity dan Thep yang memeriksa apakah kami baik-baik saja ketika mereka punya waktu. Lebih mudah untuk berkomunikasi dengan Françoise (saat dia berbicara bahasa Prancis) tetapi semua orang berusaha agar semuanya berjalan dengan baik.

Datang ke sini juga membuat kami menyadari situasi sulit yang dialami beberapa anjing liar. Kami bersenang-senang dengan semua orang dan pasti akan kembali jika kami memiliki kesempatan.

Jukiette, Salome, Lisa and Elea in the back of the pickup ready to go home, after volunteering at the healing centre

Juliette, Salome, Lisa dan Elea

Kami benar-benar menikmati kami menginap di penyelamatan anjing Headrock, anjing-anjing itu sangat cantik sehingga kami sudah merindukan mereka! Sekali lagi terima kasih atas waktunya! 😊

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